Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mental preparation

One of the things I've learned through my time in WoW is how much true mental preparation can matter.
Jong, from the Forbearance blog is the master of this art, just go read some random posts from his blog, he's a goddamn genius.

Right before doing something that you know is going to be insanely difficult, take a look in the mirror, smile and say to yourself "I know I can do this. Lets go!"

The above sentence can be diplomatically referred to as male cow leftovers.
The following is not.

I am the most fucking supremely awesome motherfucker this world has ever seen. Anyone even remotely unaware of this will this instant get stabbed by a hundred blind monkeys while angels will fly around them in a circle singing my praises so they understand their failure.

You can either choose from screaming this at the top of your lungs out the window or failing miserably.
Ok, that might have a bit excessive, but the point is that quietly telling yourself you are a good little boy/girl is useless and will never work. Belief, knowledge, moderation and understanding pale in comparison to simply boosting your ego to high heaven.

This will get you the confidence to succeed in just about anything - IF you have the goddamn skillz!
Just my 2 cents for the day.

See ya all on the far side boys and girls!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Old classics are always fun and to me, Age of Wonders is a beatiful example of a really good classic RTS. Top-down view of your kingdom, lots of fantasy creatures, a slightly cheesy story and a completely brain-dead AI. I recently discovered that Steam had the entire series up for grabs and decided to go for it, so far I haven't regretted it one bit, playing a classic like that again always puts a smile on my face, even if newer players would frown and go "where iz my pl4sm4 sw0rd!" or somesuch.

I'm just happy being able to steamroll a dozen enemy soldiers with a bunch of ballistas again. And some magic.

Oh, and as an aside, a 6x2 stone bridge elevated 15 blocks over sea level in Minecraft looks awesome and ohmygoddoestakesforevertobuild.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Health phail and addiction phail :(

I did it. I reopened my WoW account after more than a year. I feel soiled, but...

Those godforsaken shit eaters have hacked my account!!
Rottengoodfornothingbitchylittleass *grumble grumble*

Apparently lots of fun stuff have been going on, because now I have blizzard riding my ass about selling the account, likely done by whomever hacked it in the first place, most of my gathered crafting materials are gone, but at least Blizzard restored my gear...
Before I opened my account..

No, don't ask. I got no clue either.

Oh yeah, my allergies are acting up at the same time as I've been struggling with a mild dose of "I'm ill, but not ill enough to justifty staying at home", good times all around as you can tell.
Aaaand my roommate is moving back to denmark, so I'm stuck in ireland with a 2-bedroom apartment for one person.

Isn't life great? *runs off to kill something in uncontrolled rage*

Monday, October 18, 2010


What is it with people and DM-style multiplayer? What is the fun in rushing some hapless new player 45 seconds after the game has begun? How can anyone seriously derive amusement from that?
I can understand a harrasment tactic, draining the opponents resources and slowing their progress, but amassing a gazillion zerglings/light tanks/infantry and charging in before you've even said hello?

Where is the fun in that?

I rarely bother with online multiplayer against humans because, quite frankly, most humans can kiss my ass. If I'm playing a strategy game the last thing I want to experience is some pre-pubescent little brat scream at me through their headset while rushing my workers with a bajillion scouts (and then proceed to trash-talk my mother), after 5min of playtime.

I mean, I understand that it's a viable strategy, but how can anyone seriously gain any enjoyment from that? All you get is a shallow idea of "Ha, I built my worker 0.002 microseconds before he did". How can anyone seriously translate that into being skilled at a game? If you let me amass a huge army, reach the population cap and then proceed to ambush and utterly annihilate my army without loosing a single unir, then kudos to you and thank you for a good game.

If you race your starting units and a couple of soldiers into my base before I've loaded the game? Go die in a fire. Repeatedly. Until you are forever gone, along with your entire genetic heritage.

Friday, October 15, 2010

WoW: Cataclysm

How many out there are WoW players? I know there are about 12 million active subscribers right now, but even so.
How many follows the new talent trees? I quit the game close to a year ago and was actually pretty sure I was done with it, but some of new retribution stuff has me intrigued. The idea of loosing Consecration is not quite the big point that it seems to be for some. Most WotLK fights required too much movement for it to be truly awesome anyway, even if it was a decent DPS boost.

As you can probably imagine, I used to be a retri player and likely will always be so, one of the few that would welcome a more thought-based rotation rather than the prio we had. More power to the Holy Power I say, as long as it proves balanced.
One of the biggest troubles with Retri has always been the combination of bubbleburst, the act of demolishing one player with a huge level of burst, Holy Power seems to play to that strength (the idea of Templars Verdict at 3 holy power with AW active scares the crap out of me).

I'm not currently playing, but I may end up rebooting my account, just to see what it's like. Not too keen on Cataclysm still, but maybe playing through the patches until it's released will give me a better impression, we'll see.
Cant really say I had any real point to make here, just thought i'd throw it into the world.

See ya on the bounce boys and girls.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Living abroad

It's funny how two countries that are, basically, part the same european culture can be so radically different and yet similar.

Ireland are basically what you would expect from a european country, with all the "civilized" concepts (stores, electricity etc.) well within reach. And at the same time, the roads are absolutely tiny, fast food is like a religion, people are preaching on the street and getting a decent boradband connection is like getting to third base with a supermodel, exciting to talk about and well worth bragging about when you actually get it, but completely unrealistic for 99.9% of your life.

Living here is an interesting experience. Even though I'm used to the language and it's not a major cultural difference, it's kinda interesting as time passes and you spot all the little differences.
The roads here are terrible, and yet if you see more than 2-3 bikes in a single day you can consider yourself lucky, no one uses them here. Compare that to Denmark where if you see less than 20 it's a slow day.
Food is much the same, but with a few tiny differences, such as the availability of certain ingredients - Ireland imports like 80% of everything it consumes so seasons and such don't apply in quite the same manner, everything has been frozen and thawed a dozen times over by the time it gets to the stores here anyway.

That's my weekly observation done with, I'll see you guys on the far side.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Who needs friends when you have Minecraft?

I recently dug an old friend out of the big ol' world of the interwebz called Minecraft (

This game is, in all it's simplicity, the best outlet for creative gameplay that you will find anywhere. Gameplay is quite simple, you use your hands to beat down a tree, which you turn into sticks that can be turned into a wooden axe which can then be used to gather rocks, earth and so on, ending with you sitting a billion miles underground desperately trying to mine that last block of diamond before the zombies find a way around your cunningly crafted trap filled with lava. And then your pickaxe breaks leaving you alone in the darkness with monsters coming from every hole.

Sounds simple doesn't it? Would it help if I told you that people have used the system to create everything from the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower and a frickin' Star Destroyer. To Scale.

Me? I'm busy building my 3-story wooden house with built-in lava heating system under the floor, should be an interesting challenge. For starters anyways.

However, before embarking on a journey of self-discovery through the world of Minecraft, be warned...

This game is the destroyer of social lives

Thursday, October 7, 2010

So what's up with Ireland?

So I'm sitting here at work and figured I would talk a little about life here in Ireland.

For those few that have stayed in Denmark and Ireland, the differences should be obvious, but to others it might not.

1: Driving.
Taxis, busses and other vehicular forms of transportation is scary as hell here in Ireland. This is not so much due to the drivers, but more the roads. In denmark, a polite way of describing the size of irish roads would be "limited". A less polite way to describe them could be goddamn fucking tiny.

I'm not kidding either, on major roads, two busses passing each other by is like threading a needle. While wearing steel gauntlets. That are on fire.
Frickin' terrifying it is.

2:  Stores.
In Denmark, you have these tiny little kiosks all over the place, it's rare in a city be more than 15min walk from at least one of them. And then 20min from the nearest day-to-day store.

In Ireland the stores are kiosks, there are twice as many of them and you can buy hot food in each of them. And the big stores/malls? Are the size of regular stores in Denmark. Weird shit.

3: Personality:
Personality-wise it isn't actually all that different. Some people in Ireland are more inclined to exchange a polite greeting, but that's it. The vaunted irish hospitality is a legend I have yet to encounter.

That's it for me for now, see ya all on the bounce!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First post!

First off, if you are reading this then you are likely a friend or family member curious about this whole Venting Plasma thing, if not then I gotz no clue what you are doing here, but thanks for showing up anyway.

On to the blog!
I started Venting Plasma October 6th, 2010 as you can no doubt see and will probably mostly be using this place to vent my plasma, hence the name. If you are easily offended, then I suggest you go sit in a closet until someone shuts off your PC, since spam and flames won't be allowed.

If you want to know about me, Changrey, then I suggest you go look at the About page or ask me, use the adress please, it's the only gmail account I check regularily.

That's it for my first post, I got about 20min left until my shift ends and I go home, so I should probably get some work done!