Venting Plasma was created by Changrey, on October 6th, 2010.
Venting Plasma is about games, gaming and whatever other subjects I deem worthy of my attention.
Changrey is the alias of weird danish dude #42, also known as Martin Rasmussen.
I've spent most of my life in Denmark, but am currently residing in Ireland on a work contract for Siemens IT Solutions & Services
I have a distinct passion for video games and favor the slow burn-style videogames as opposed to fast-paced action, as such you will often find me playing strateg and tactical games, rather than fast-paced shooters. It's not that I don't like them, it's simply that I prefer other stuff.
My personal collection of games span close to two decades at the time of writing this and by the time you read it, it will likely contain a whole lot of other titles too.
More information will come when I find something else to make up.
Now go read the rest of the blog!