Monday, October 18, 2010


What is it with people and DM-style multiplayer? What is the fun in rushing some hapless new player 45 seconds after the game has begun? How can anyone seriously derive amusement from that?
I can understand a harrasment tactic, draining the opponents resources and slowing their progress, but amassing a gazillion zerglings/light tanks/infantry and charging in before you've even said hello?

Where is the fun in that?

I rarely bother with online multiplayer against humans because, quite frankly, most humans can kiss my ass. If I'm playing a strategy game the last thing I want to experience is some pre-pubescent little brat scream at me through their headset while rushing my workers with a bajillion scouts (and then proceed to trash-talk my mother), after 5min of playtime.

I mean, I understand that it's a viable strategy, but how can anyone seriously gain any enjoyment from that? All you get is a shallow idea of "Ha, I built my worker 0.002 microseconds before he did". How can anyone seriously translate that into being skilled at a game? If you let me amass a huge army, reach the population cap and then proceed to ambush and utterly annihilate my army without loosing a single unir, then kudos to you and thank you for a good game.

If you race your starting units and a couple of soldiers into my base before I've loaded the game? Go die in a fire. Repeatedly. Until you are forever gone, along with your entire genetic heritage.

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